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Mentor Application

What is a Mentor?

Throughout the years, the term "Mentor" has come to mean a more experienced person who helps guide, support, and counsel a less experienced person through the world of work. Mentors share their experience and expertise with a Protégé to assist them with career development and planning. Mentoring is not just teaching or counseling - it involves fostering a Protégé's relationship with a person of experience and helping them prepare for the future.

Why Mentor:

  • Make a significant impact in a colleague’s professional development
  • Reflect on your own career, summarize your journey, and formulate your views on success in business
  • Spend time with a Protégé who is passionate about HR and eager to learn
  • Influence the next generation of business leaders
  • Earn CPD hours to a maximum of 10 hours

The Value of Mentoring:

Many successful professionals have had a mentor influence their career. Mentors are role models who guide and encourage protégés. Mentoring relationships facilitate the Protégé’s growth both personally and professionally.

Role of the Mentor:

  • Set aside one hour per month to meet with the Protégé
  • Be available to the Protégé and attempt to understand his/her needs
  • Facilitate the establishment of goals - encouraging the Protégé to determine what those goals should be
  • Mentor, coach and guide the Protégé - but refrain from telling them what to do
  • Create a comfortable learning environment for the Protégé
  • Challenge the Protégé to explore career paths and assumptions
  • Be accessible and respond to the Protégé in a timely manner
  • Set clear boundaries and identify any areas of confidentiality at the outset of the relationship
  • Confirm preferred method(s) of communication and what response time the Protégé can expect when they initiate contact 

CPHR Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Hours

It is important to maintain a Mentoring Record for submission and verification, as required, for eligibility of CPD hours. It is the participant's responsibility to maintain these records.

Complete the Mentoring Agreement and Mentoring Record.

As a participant in the Mentorship Program, you are eligible to receive a maximum of 10 CPD hours.


How to Apply: 

You must be a member, in good standing, of CPHR Saskatchewan and maintain your membership for the entirety of the program year (January to December). Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2024. Applicants will be notified of partnership matches in December, with a Meet and Greet to follow in early January.

Please note you must re-apply to participate in the Mentorship Program each year. 

Chartered Professionals in Human Resources Saskatchewan (CPHR Saskatchewan)
#210, 3501 8th Street East / Saskatoon, Sask. / S7H 0W5
tel: 306.242.2747  / email: 

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